What is Sonne?
Sonne in German means Sun, the energy that powers life on earth.
What is Sonne Far Infrared Sauna?
- Sonne FIR Sauna FIR works by using radiant heat.
- Radiant heat warms objects and people without warming the air around them.
- The sun energy is mostly (80%) produced in the infrared segment of the spectrum.
- Sonne FIR Sauna penetrates the body at depth of 1.5" inches.
- Sonne FIR Sauna is said to duplicate the healthy frequency of our own cells. The water in the cells react in a process call "resonant absorption" (when frequency of FIR and water matches).
- The resonance facilitates the metabolism of cells. Uptake of nutrients and excretion of residues from cells in human tissue are enhanced?
> The benefits of Sonne Far Infrared Sauna
Weight Loss
An excellent addition to your weight loss program. Burn up to 600 calories in just one 30-minute session.Relaxation & Enjoyment
Sonne removes stress using a comfortable temperature. It balances your autonomic nervous system. It allows parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the nourishing, healing and regeneration of the body to take over.[6]
Pain Relief
Pain may be relieved via the reduction of secondary muscle spasms. Pain is also at times related to ischemia (lack of oxygen) due to tension or spasm, which can be improved by Sonne.Anti -Aging
Sonne promotes anti-aging through:- Beauty: Improves collagen content, reduces fine wrinkles and roughness of the skin. [5] Promotes blood flow, which allows delivery of sufficient nutrients, oxygen and removal of waste products from the skin - resulting in glowing skin.
- Healthy: Improves cardiovascular conditioning. [3] A healthy body precedes beauty. Look fresh and lively.
- Rejuvenation: a stressful working environment increases sympathetic activities and leads to feeling of fatigue, as this system uses up energy and depletes the body. Sonne balances the autonomic nerves systems, allowing parasympathetic system which is responsible for nourishing, healing and regeneration of the body to take dominance. [6]
- Preventive role in lifestyle related degenerate diseases. [1]
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- Su, Han, Giraldo et al, Am J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 1998 19:819-825
- Ju Hee Lee, et al, Yonsei Med J 2006;47:485-490
- Masuda et al, Psychosomatic Medicine 2005;67:643-647
- Hyman, 13th International Symposium of The Institute of functional Medicine 2006,S134-S139
- Orozco C. The effect of spinning energy in improving and sustaining wellness. 2011. Australia Institute of Applied sciences.
- Genuis et al. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol (2011). 61: 344-357
Who should use the Sonne sauna:
- People who are embarking on a weight reduction program.
- People who want to stay young and healthy with smooth and radiant skin.
- People who want to improve and sustain wellness.
- People who have one or more cardiovascular risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol & smoking.
- People who want to relax and rejuvenate at home after a hard day work.
> Testimonials
- “I am in the fashion industry and always need to look good. After using the sauna regularly, I lost 4 to 5kg and my waistline came down from 34 to 30 (in combination with diet). It is quite refreshing, my skin has tighten and softer now.” - Alex Chia, Kuala Lumpur. Senior Executive, Fashion Industry, 2013
- “I have a family history of high blood pressure (BP), both my parents suffered from stroke. I am on medication for high BP and my doctor advice me to reduce weight. After using the sauna for 10 month, and proper diet, my weight come down from 95kg to 82kg, my BP is now better controlled and my doctor started to reduce the dose of my medication. Sonne Sauna for me is a necessity and not a luxury.” - Kelvin Phang, Kuching, a Banker. 2013